how to get to the real North Cape: Knivskjellodden


We think that North Cape (or Nordkapp) is the northernmost place in Europe, beyond which we cannot go.
This could be true if we did not consider some islands and lands covered mainly by glaciers.
But even in this case the name pushes us to error.

If you are in the balustrade near the famous globe’s sculpture and look the sea thinking to find only the infinite sea in front of you, you will be very surprised.

Looking to your left you will see a long strip of land “that surpasses you”.
You haven’t to imagine a change in the earth’s axis, hallucinations or others explanation: you are simply not in the northernmost place!

Knivskjellodden is the true North Cape and if you want to reach it you will have to work hard.

You will have to get to the parking about 6 km before the entrance of Nordkapp and from there start the walk to the true North Cape of Europe.


Knivskjellodden catwalk


Do not think of a walk on the plain, but be prepared for a heavy march of about 20 km between stones, water and mud to get over a dozen hills (they will not be very high but are still up and down).


Knivskjellodden heaven


Knivskjellodden high beach


When you arrive at the beach and think you have reached the true North Cape, you will still have about 20 minutes left. Go left along the steep cliff until you reach the obelisk and write your name in the book.


Knivskjellodden reindeer


Knivskjellodden beach


You need so much fortitude, self-awareness, the right clothing and a good physic.
The weather here changes quickly, so in about 5-7 hours you may find sun, rain, wind, fog, heat and cold, on several occasions and with varying durations.

The route is marked by heaps of stones high enough to be seen from a distance. Simply follow them to get to the destination.
It can happen, due to tiredness or to the fog that comes down suddenly, to see stones everywhere and miss the direction.


Knivskjellodden fog


Don’t be afraid but avoid unconsciousness.

Be careful and remember that the compass does not work well here, and if it is midnight sun, it may be difficult to use the sun for orientation.
If I had a marker, maybe I would have written a number on each pile of stones to have a reference to come back.


Do not miss the excitement of facing these about 20 km between reindeer and endless landscapes to be, perhaps alone, the most northern person in Europe (almost true…)


Knivskjellodden heaps



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